Sampahh’s purpose is to connect and inspire people through his music. His victories and success in the industry are a testimony of his undeniable talent as an artist. Sampahh is an actor in addition to being a musician and producer and has the natural creative ability to bring a story, a character, and a song to life. Sampahh has and continues to collaborate with top musicians in the industry, including Mario, Bryan Doe, and Young Dapper to name a few. Follow Sampahh’s journey and watch his newly released video Paradise.

Sampahh is an only child who was born in Ghana, West Africa. Son of a film loving Father and a music craving Mother, Francis Sampah, AKA “Sampahh,” grew up enhancing his skills, creativity, and passion for art in a poor community. However, it was perfect for him because of it’s authentic cultural relevance with different walks of socialization. He has always said, “Poverty is my advantage”. Throughout Junior and Senior High School, Sampahh concentrated on acting and design, but still spent time on music in church. After an eye opening exchange program in Canada, Sampahh took a year off from college to figure out what he would ultimately do with his life.
In this period, his love for music grew from songwriting, to creating instrumentals, and finally recording his ideas. Everything started evolving so fast naturally, he knew he was onto something if music was not his calling. After Sampahh’s father Philip passed away, he decided to move to the United States to take responsibility for paying his college tuition. He could not bear watching his mother work at her minimum paying job, trying to pay his tuition for him in Ghana. He decided to study Architecture and minor in Film. This way, he could satisfy his late father as designer and his mother as an actor. All the while, he would have time to develop his skills for music.
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