N.E.S. Never Ending Struggle is a hip-hop duo based out of Jacksonville, Florida. The group members are JSmoove & Jae Mottie who have just dropped “FFT:2 Feast Or Famine”. Intelligent and driven, this is a complete 14-track album with enough moods to satisfy most people. I’m going to tell you right now if you’re looking for swag rap, tight clothes and bright colorful shirts this album is not for you. This is real music not that watered down stuff.

The opener, “Believing In”, is a soulful banger that nobody with ears and rhythm could possibly sit still through. And from there on out the tracks are raw and unapologetic and yet socially conscious and intelligent. JSmoove & Jae Mottie took no prisoners on this one. Backed by ingenious and hard hitting beats, the two deliver high energy rhymes with a furious tenacity that hasn’t been seen in rap for quite some time. These two highly talented artists came together and cooked up a masterpiece.
So much music comes out each year it is easy to sleep on most of it. Rarely can you feel like you are learning and having fun at the same time than on here. You want slow, we have slower paced. Need something fast? N.E.S. has got that too. Moreover this album says something. It’s firmly rooted in the reality of living. This contrast from the domination of superficial narcissism and complete fantasy that dominates popular culture is enough to make this album stand out, but the combination of intelligent social commentary and spectacular technical execution elevates this work to the heights of creative achievement.

N.E.S. Never Ending Struggle are among the up-and coming unsung stars in the Rap Game, and much needed figures to bolster a completely terrible time in the genre. Their slick, introspective and intellectual sides come shining through on standouts like “No Way”, “Sometimes”, “They Need Love ft. Lyric Raines & Prey”, “Stars”, “Guilty by Association” and “Doing Us ft. Reesyro”.
All through the album, the production is great, and each song sounds different. JSmoove & Jae Mottie are extremely talented and creative rappers and their style is different than anyone else, especially from Florida. They are not afraid to speak about everything on their minds, they share their feelings, thoughts and deepest emotions with us, and their charisma is undeniable. Combined with their supreme lyricism, you know that N.E.S. Never Ending Struggle will be a force in the rap game for many years. They belong to a rare breed of emcees that are able to effectively communicate with all the hip hop community whether it is the streets or the more casual fan.
I”m glad you enjoyed the project.. the review was everything one could hope for… Glad the hard work was indeed worth it..