“Winter Time” – J. Oliver ft Sam Harvey works on a number of levels. Whether it’s a turn up moment or being all up in the feels, the song resonates for a specific occasion. For hopeless romantics who are trappers at heart, this is also their soundtrack.
An epic, spacey and candid track that sounds more like a freestyle that J.Oliver and Sam Harvey let off in the booth, is indicative of their mindset as a whole on this project. The slow burning, mellow beat is matched with head-nodding drums as J.Oliver displays his vocal and rhyming skills, swooning “All your Imperfections girl, they so beautiful…No one is perfect…perfect is unusual.”

Out of Baltimore, Maryland J.Oliver has already produced for some major names in the industry. Now he has gotten together with another young phenomenon, in the guise of Sam Harvey, who certainly is no slouch on the mic. The two, take “Winter Time” through the depths of its emotional pathos.
With a voice as smooth as silk and words as sharp as a razor blade, J.Oliver makes the ladies drool: “No heat like body heat. Get close if you want to. But before you let down your hair, do you believe in you?” And then he lays down the final killer question, which is also the unsurpassable answer: “Do you believe in you, like I do? I think you’re beautiful!”
No doubt this is a ladies song, crooned in the best possible may by two talents like J.Oliver and Sam Harvey, who create a hot and intimate atmosphere for heartrending introspection and persuasive sensual vibes. I find it hard to imagine that any women could resist to these epicurean vocal onslaughts and heartfelt lyrical waxing.
J.Oliver definitely has talent and he brings a fresh new sound to the world of Trap & RnB music. I’m really interested to see, if and how he can change the game, going forward.
“Winter Time” ft Sam Harvey, is full of clever turns of phrase, while J.Oliver gives the impression that he aspires to vocal dexterity and range, just as much as he plays with rhythm and cadence – a clear suggestion that he listens to both rappers and singers, amongst his colleagues and peers.
More than anything you will love how J.Oliver manages to add emotions to this song, without demeaning the girl he sings about, but rather, he honors her. Now isn’t that just a neat turn for the genre!
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