Mr. Reaper – “Thru The Light” forges a powerful connection with the listener

Mr. Reaper is a new hip hop/rap music artist from Woodbridge, VA. His latest release is the single “Thru The Light”. To call Mr. Reaper just a rapper almost feels a like disservice to the artist. For whilst he is this, moreover he’s an artist in every sense of the word. Not bound by the confines of one medium, Mr. Reaper reaches out to delve, dissect and observe, as a poet, a songwriter and conscious emcee. With his latest single, the artist has dropped a track deeply rooted in self-reflection as he scours between the crevasses of darkness and the rays of light that affect and dominate our lives.

“The dark portrays unwanted vibes, aggression and even a sense to stand up to what we face and what I currently see,” explains Mr. Reaper. “The light portrays mental and self-growth. An evolution or a rebirth in my character.” “Thru The Light” presents Mr. Reaper as one of Hip hop’s new intelligent and vital voices. The artist went out to create a track that also embodies positive energy, while being raw, personal and spiritual in places.

“Thru The Light” has depth, soul and dimension to it. Exhibiting a maturity that you would expect, only someone who’s been in the game a very long time could possibly have. It’s right there from the first notes that’s played, a meditative intro which then breaks into a transient beat introducing the full power of the track.

Mr. Reaper’s raps are resonant, but generally controlled and relatively relaxed, which suits him and his messages, seemingly a man now at ease with himself and with others, but who has a lot to say about life’s experiences. Moreover, Mr. Reaper is a master storyteller, which is apparent on “Thru The Light”. This is tasteful clean rap that is as profound as it is noble.

Mr. Reaper is clearly on a mission to use his platform to change the world, by first and foremost, changing himself. The atmospheric instrumentation, mostly cinematic, ringing keyboard-chords, and slapping drums, build an insistent, deep-thumping groove that supports both the artist’s authoritative voice, vibe and demeanor. There’s a wholeheartedness to the song’s enthusiasm that few could pull off.

Mr. Reaper is an impressive rapper, with a dynamic spoken word voice. He leans into his signature flows with reverberating vigor while always remaining graceful. He can unpack intricate thoughts with a string of words so eloquent that listening demands empathy. Mr. Reaper delivery has a conversational quality, his words rolling out with considerable ease.

Mr. Reaper’s approach here is to intertwine his own story with what could be ours, in order to forge a powerful connection with the listener. Throughout “Thru The Light”, Mr. Reaper attempts to speak to everyone, offering bits of wisdom. Ultimately, he reinvigorates and expands the category frames placed around hip-hop and rap.

Mr. Reaper exists within a rare territory in the industry. Finding his own unusual position in the midst of hip-hop artists who advocate senseless violence, substance abuse, degrading misogyny and moral depravity, but especially manifesting artistic bankruptcy. Mr. Reaper has truly stepped into his own path, both lyrically and musically, with “Thru The Light”.


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