New Orleans entrepreneur and singer-songwriter, Tim Trilioni is exactly what music fans mean when they describe an artist as, a ‘breath of fresh’, or use the words ‘unique’ and ‘eclectic’. Tim is an unusual hybrid in today’s ever evolving music scene – one moment he sounds like a spoken word poet, the next his spitting eloquent verses, and then crooning soulful choruses into the microphone. Not to speak about his sound which is all-embracing, and draws flavors from R&B, Soul, Pop, Hip-hop, and even contemporary classical composition. His songs are well-produced and engineered – everything from the instrumentals, vocals, and the impacting sonic atmospheres are mastered properly and flow nicely.

Tim Trillioni sounds like an artist who has earned his stripes and is going from strength to strength. His songwriting can go from introspectively personal, on tracks like “By My Side”, to the empathetically universal on a song like “Corona Virus”. Both these aforementioned tracks can be found on Tim Trillioni’s project, “Black Gold Rush EP” dropping 9-10-20.
“I’m pouring water on top of your head. Some say you are sleeping. You say you’re dead. You’re pouring water upon my head. You thought you were creeping. I was standing right there,” are the resonating opening lines on “Corona Virus”. Tim Trillioni’s voice is backed by a classically induced soundscape of strings and keys, which in turn are driven by a thumping, slow-burn hip-hop beat.
The mood created in “Corona Virus”, is both devastating and hopeful, with Tim’s voice switching effortlessly between a whispering plea and a full-throated affirmation. The song transcends modern genres and styles, by skillfully implementing them all.
The arrangement and song structure is more complex, and far removed from the mainstream rubble, but somehow manages to be just as accessible. It’s all in the voice and the presentation, which have dramatic overtones that are hard to resist.
There are so many acts in today’s urban music scene, but Tim Trillioni demands attention in this overcrowded market. If only for the simple reason, that he really brings something new to the table.
And when you throw in all the other qualities he delivers through his songs, it almost becomes essential that you listen to a Tim Trillioni. A good place to start would be his latest single “By My Side”, which sticks closer to the mainstream urban cannon, without Tim losing his quant artistic integrity.
For starters, “By My Side” employs a richly layered head-nodding beat with flourishing EDM-styled electro-strings. On top of the bumping music template Tim Trillioni gives us yet another power display of his vocal attributes – his versatile voice skittering between deep soul-searching words and high-rising falsetto adlibs. This song has ridiculous replay value for me, and I’ve listened to it more and more, each passing day.
Tim Trillioni offers depth that you can really feel through heartfelt and graphic storylines. It’s this kind of depth that is missing in a lot of music today. Despite all the work and time it takes to play a lead role in today’s underground hustle, Tim Trillioni has managed to rise above the noise and give us high quality music. Regardless of how much the rest of us would like to say about Tim Trillioni, the music speaks for itself.
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