We can say without a doubt, that the San Diego, California based artist Co2Chad is coming into his own with a series of unique alternative rap releases, and we can only expect the best moving forward. CO2 started writing stories and poems, in both English and French, from an early age. At 17 he formed and played in a gothic band. However travelling was his number one hobby and it took him around the world to numerous countries. His last trip to Madagascar, was planned for March 18th, 2020 but due to the pandemic, he found himself trapped and unable to travel. He started writing again and completed 26 songs, 6 of which were released in May 2020.
Suddenly CO2 found his new addictive outlet to replace his travels, and now writes rhymes and songs daily. Co2Chad’s verses are driven by explicit lyricism, and extremely vivid imagery – sometimes bordering between hardcore and horrorcore, while his dense catchy productions flow ever-so easily.
There is a shroud of mysticism, eccentricity, and overall intrigue that wraps itself around Co2Chad’s persona, as he delves into extreme themes in his songs. Not least, his single “Psycho”. Once again Co2Chad unlocks the mind’s eye, showing us man’s villainous and vindictive ways. His incredibly raw raps and lyrics will make your skin crawl, yet make you truly think about the world.
“Psycho”, like most of Co2Chad’s songs, is not for the faint of heart, as good plays off against evil. This album is the darkest, realest and most thought-provoking rap track of the year. Co2Chad keeps his record immersive through its brutally real argument, which makes the anger of “Psycho” all the more palpable. This is a track that is void of cryptic or subliminal messages, it’s a song that cuts straight to the core, and doesn’t even need radio play.
From the dope beat to the deranged lyrics, the dark atmospheric production, and even Co2Chad’s subtly psychotic delivery, “Psycho” doesn’t try to distract you from how ferociously deep the message is. Today, very few rap artists ever attempt this sanguinary method and even fewer have done it successfully. This track really showcases his verbal skills and lets you know what Co2Chad is all about.
For inexperienced listeners and part-time music enthusiasts, be forewarned: “Psycho” is extreme, intense, and some just might say the thematic is downright disturbing. The picture Co2Chad paints is so clear you can easily picture this as a short film. And that’s exactly what Co2Chad has done with the video clip. He has built the “Psycho” song narrative, into an impacting visual.
Co2Chad comes out swinging on “Psycho”, where his already unique vocal style makes the track a shocking listen and his use of rigorously direct lyrics, all the more enthralling. Falling deeper and deeper into the storyline, as the music rises and falls, there’s a masterful sense of character, as Co2Chad’s troubling narrative plays out. The flow on each of the verses changes his delivery style, and makes for a gripping listen.
The intimidating delivery and slow build of tension makes this track captivating, and you’ll want to hit the repeat button immediately…especially if you have psychotic or revengeful tendencies!
the true meaning of halloween and a psychotic ex boyfriend
I had to watch it twice.
Great content and scary
what is going on in his head is the main question