Substance Stomping Style: James Moore and Independent Music Promotions Continue Rise as Premier Music PR Company with Commitment to Quality Artists and Guaranteed Results
“Getting quality press coverage is difficult for any indie artist trying to promote themselves in an already crowded marketplace. James Moore gets your music in front of the right people, leading to maximum exposure.”
(Adam Reifsteck, Teknofonic Records)
In today’s music industry, style very often trumps substance. Autotuned vocals, airbrushed pictures, and soulless songs have become all too familiar. A company from Vancouver, Canada has achieved success by reversing this trend and providing increased recognition for unsigned artists whom they consider honest creators of music with depth. Independent Music Promotions is a leading music PR company that guarantees all clients a high amount of quality features in prominent publications. I.M.P was founded in 2011 by Your Band Is a Virus author James Moore, one of music PR’s most innovative and followed thinkers. Moore’s innovative approach to music PR has been featured in numerous major music magazines and blogs, including CDBaby, Reverbnation, and Reddit. Moore is currently Quora‘s most viewed writer on independent music.
So what is Moore doing that sets I.M.P. apart from today’s crowded field of music PR companies? For one, I.M.P. only works with “music with depth” from what they consider to be genuine artists. Whereas some PR companies will work with whoever is willing to pay, I.M.P. works closely with musicians with whom Moore feels a connection. This allows Moore to follow through on his initial vision of taking “an ethical, DIY approach to music PR.” Moore revels in the fact that I.M.P. is in a niche: “We don’t accept American Idol pop, typical club hip-hop, radio rock, religious music, or low quality demos. Other than those, we’re open to greatness within any genre.”

In addition to Moore’s unheralded selectivity, I.M.P. is the only “guaranteed” music PR company in the world. According to Moore, “PR means the delivery of press to every single client, every single time. This is one of the main differences between I.M.P. and most other promotion companies: We absolutely guarantee press to every single one of our artists. No exceptions. All of our clients receive exceptional results from their I.M.P campaigns. We plan to keep it that way.”
Perhaps the most instrumental reason for I.M.P.’s success is the fact that Moore can relate to unsigned artists who are hungry for exposure. Moore played in bands all his life before being ripped off by a major PR firm that landed a mere three reviews following an expensive campaign. Moore realized that he “could probably do much better than that.” Moore did just that, garnering seventy reviews of that same record – all on his own. His success inspired Moore to “work with underground artists and change the music PR business model.”
Moore’s “music with depth” movement has gained popularity among both artists and the music media, partially due to the “artist first” approach detailed in his books. “We’re getting more and more word-of-mouth, and I think it’s because of the quality control. Saying “no” can be a powerful tool for a business. I operate the company essentially as a music fan. There’s no industry in my eyes, just people.”
Your Band Is A Virus was originally released in 2010 and again as an expanded edition in 2013. Moore is known for his critiques on industry protocol and artist attitudes, with his most successful piece being his Can We Get In Pitchfork? 6 Philosophical Reasons Indie Bands Fail article. According to Moore, I.M.P. is filling a void left by much of today’s fake plastic pop: “It may not seem like it in our current blog culture, but people still want music with soul and meaning. There are still thousands of blogs and media outlets that focus on quality music content, and they share the same values as us. The key has been building a network of individuals and publications who view inspiring art as a critical part of our culture.”
The company’s current roster includes a wide array of artists, including Monks of Mellonwah, The Tomas Doncker Band, Arc & Stones, EndAnd, Joshua Worden, and Beijing. Each artist is the beneficiary of Moore’s innovative approach to PR: “I.M.P.’s packages include all traditional marketing methods, but we also do something non-traditional. We work with an army of hundreds of freelance bloggers, journalists, and editors with whom we have forged personal relationships. This helps us get press for our clients in prominent publications every time.”
For more info on Independent Music Promotions, visit their social media: FACEBOOK | TWITTER | OFFICIAL SITE
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