Dru Paris: “With You (Alex Lustig – Light) Remix” – genre blurring, heart-warming stuff

Dru Paris is one of the newer urban artists emerging from the streets of NYC. Inspired by the death of his brother a few years ago, Paris released the highly anticipated EP ‘Prolific’ dedicated to him. Since its inception, Paris has continued to make his own brand of new-wave hip hop and RnB. Blending new school tempo, high energy vocals and a smooth melody to match.

Whenever I hear a hip-hop artist say he listens to John Mayer my ears and curiosity immediately pricks up and takes heed. And without hearing a single musical note or rapped verse, me expectations rise too. So when I finally push play on “With You” by Dru Paris, which is a remix of Alex Lustig’s “Light”, I’m ready for anything!

dru-paris-liveHis style might not be traditional yet his art of hip-hop, proves that there are many ways to relate to the genre and its emotions. Dru Paris rides in on warm blanket of electronic sound, over which he weaves a mesmerizing web of uplifting vibes. There are few artists of this cut and cloth around the globe who sound like what Paris does.

Everything from his style to his tone and rhythm is solid.  If you’re a real fan of trippy, dream inducing music, you’ll understand and feel this song straight off. If you’re a newbie to the positive, alternative stuff, and are still stuck in your deprecating gangsta anthems, go to your local projects, buy a bag of weed, smoke it sit back, and then listen to this track.

This is genre blurring, heart-warming stuff. Dru Paris’ musical meanderings will transport fans of both Hip Hop and EDM, into a state of euphoria. And those really open for anything profound will be left staggering at the sheer weight of his lyrical genius.

Paris turns Lustig’s track – which is already superb in its composition – inside out and upside down, giving it a whole new meaning – and an inspirational one at that. I don’t want to repeat myself, but no one sounds like him, no one makes music like Dru Paris right now. He takes all the angst and negativity out of urban music and gives it such a laid back feeling.

Paris’ talent captures your mind and makes you reflect on your own life as well as finding a deeper understanding for others. He uses his music to tell a story and express thoughts and emotions in ways that will give you goosebumps. You’ll want to wallow in the sounds of “With You (Alex Lustig – Light) Remix”, for hours on end.

It’s a great pity the song lasts just on 4 minutes. Here’s hoping for a new album!


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