Working with Grammy award winners Florian Lagatta and Darrell Thorp (Daft Punk, Pharrell, Beck, Radiohead, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Paul McCartney…) in order accomplish his vision; Krysle Lip is a Producer, songwriter, and performer, whose track “Electric Mirror”, is the lead single from his debut studio album, “INTRAVENOUS THERAPY”.

In the artist’s words, “this song is an ode to current world of appearances, in which we are bathed since our childhood. Social media has made society and more specifically women feel abnormal, and unattractive due to the standards that media has imposed. “Electric Mirror” is the mirror within the device which invites this obsession for the “selfie” and “instant gratification” generation.”
My first impression is, no matter what type of music Krysle Lip approaches, he can take that apart music, master it, and put it back together seamlessly. The absorption of this single, parallels that attribute flawlessly, it’s like being submerged in a musical pool of bliss.
Even if you’re the kind of person who can’t listen to slower paced music, I’d feel bad for you not giving “Electric Mirror”, the opportunity to induce you into a symphonic, orchestral, melodic, and soul-moving coma that we all look for in music.
It’s a hard emotion to describe being so equally excited and powerfully relaxed, yet sadly melancholic. I can’t say anymore without taking away the excitement you’ll feel listening to “Electric Mirror” the first time. I would label the track as masterstroke of moodiness.
Beautifully ethereal and strong on melody, the choruses are layered with echoed spaciness. Krysle Lip sounds like an innovator and a creative force in a sea of morass in today’s music scene. You actually need to listen to this song. It isn’t presented to you, it asks you to become absorbed in it, and if you let yourself become absorbed, you will be fully rewarded.
The song, its structure, the recording quality of the instruments, and the overall structure of the production creates an atmosphere that is very hard to find in modern music. Yet at the same time “Electric Mirror” sounds to me like Krysle Lip also knows that songwriting skills are as important as production, studio trickery and trendy fly-by-night styles.
It’s a recording which breathes, is meditative, is profound lyrically, has beautiful vocals, a gorgeous arrangement and a memorable melody, and is just plain ear candy…if you allow it to be!
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