Omar Bowing – “Paradox” will keep you entertained and wanting more

Atmospheric, ethereal, moody, dark, progressive … these are all words that come to mind listening to the opening bars of “Paradox” – the latest track [Read More…]

Omar Bowing: “Women” – Luscious strings, shimmering pianos and soaring vocals

Omar Bowing is an independent musician and songwriter located in Austin, Tx. Omar who plays the guitar and guitarviol works with a revolving group of [Read More…]

Omar Bowing: “Creature” – musical and artistic expression at its finest

Omar Bowing is an independent artist and songwriter located in Austin, Tx. His peculiarity is that he plays an innovative instrument called the GuitarViol which [Read More…]

Omar Bowing: “Warrior” – full of fire, blinding speed and melody!

Omar Bowing is an independent artist and songwriter located in Austin, Tx. His latest single and music video, “Warrior” features Tyson Yen (vocals), Will Jones [Read More…]