Eurovision 2020 – UK’s First entrant announced – Roubix with the song ‘Human’

Let’s face it. The UK has recently struggled with their Eurovision song submissions. The UK is the second biggest winner of the largest televised music [Read More…]

Mind Over Matter – “Human” – a pioneering the forceful return of nu-rock!

Three years ago, and after 100 concerts and international attention, Peter Scherfig (guitarist) and Armin Kavousi (lead singer) parted ways with the project SuitsBLVD to [Read More…]

Meelow – a tantalizing blend of raw, lyrical poetry, compelling vocals, and sturdy beats

Teen songwriter, actress and musician, Lily Garret, better known by her stage name Meelow, draws inspiration from a wide range of artists, such as Queen [Read More…]