Forest Robots – “Supermoon Moonlight Part Two” builds heart-rending motifs throughout the record

After wrestling with the pandemic, Fran Dominguez aka Forest Robots, has resurfaced with a masterpiece in wistful, cathartic electro-acoustic explorations, his brand new studio album “Supermoon Moonlight [Read More…]

Forest Robots – “Amongst A Landscape Of Spiritual Reckoning” – Flooded with ideas, thoughts and feelings

Let’s start by saying that Fran Dominguez aka Forest Robots compositional creativity is great, but his constant evolution makes him truly remarkable. Meticulous arrangements and [Read More…]

Forest Robots – “After Geography” – subtle moods and emotional depths

“After Geography” is the fourth Forest Robots full-length album following, 2018’s ‘Supermoon Moonlight Part I’ and ‘Timberline And Mountain Crest’, as well as 2019’s ‘Times [Read More…]

Matthew J Van Howe – “Emergent Narrative” – a soundtrack to a mindset and a mood

You could call this ambient, experimental, drone, avant-garde, cinematic or simply electronic music, the fact is “Emergent Narrative”, is so impactful it’s like it’s its [Read More…]